Venue Review, Hilton Hotels

I recently had to privilege of visiting both Hilton Brisbane and Hilton Surfers Paradise, for leisurely gatherings where the properties’ staff and management share their food, their wine and their beautiful surroundings with a few luck people like me.
The Hilton Brisbane
I produce an annual event at this property and have done for about 3 years now so I know ballroom pretty well. But I hadn’t seen any other parts of the property for years so it was lovely to be invited to an Aussie dining experience on the pool deck.
I just want to say how gorgeous this view is from the Hilton Brisbane. The weather was atrocious and yet we stayed dry and warm the whole time. The music was great because the acoustics worked so well and the food, well I’ll keep that one a secret… I will say that it was outstanding, but it always is at the Hilton Brisbane. Check it out next time you’re in the City, those new hotels got nothin’ on the space and service available at the Hilton, Brisbane Pool Deck.
Hilton Surfers Paradise
OMG!!! This place is amazing! I go to the Gold Coast at least fortnightly, visiting different beaches, hanging out in different areas, generally dreaming about living on the Gold Coast. I had been to Hilton Surfers Paradise when it first opened about 5 years ago, but for some reason I had never gone back. Surfers Paradise wasn’t really my hangout zone but in that 5 years the beachfront at Surfers Paradise is just thriving. Such a beautiful area with stunning restaurants and of course, the best beach in the world.
What really surprised me though was the bright, airy and refreshing look and feel of the Surfers Paradise Hilton Hotel & Residences, hotel and meeting and event spaces. It wouldn’t matter what type of event or conference you wanted to produce here, they would have a venue to suit. And the rooms, well let’s just say the view will take your breath away.
This visit was right at the beginning of this global event we’re calling COVID-19. We’re in good spirits and confident we will be able to ride the wave to the shore. The General Manager and staff provide exceptional service here and even though it’s a street back from the beach, as you can see the views are spectacular. Again, the food was out of this world with chefs that just can’t do enough to make sure you have an exceptional food experience.
It’s brilliant to see such service in Queensland and the Hilton Hotel brand is second to none for service. Check out other locations at
And make sure you’re signed up to our newsletter because we will be producing some event planning workshops in both of the venues this year. A great chance to see the venue in action, while you’re going through the planning process. Check out the workshops page for more information.