The Ultimate checklist with instruction video.

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In this venue site checklist you get:


The list of all the possible things you might need in a venue

From kitchens to bars, meeting rooms and break-out rooms, facilities, infrastructure and even power requirements, this list is super helpful to remember what to ask.. 


Do's and Do not's of venue negotiation

My top 10 tips on what to do on your site visit and what not to do, to make sure you have the best experience, get the best deal and receive exactly what you expect. 


Video walk-through

A video walk-through with some additional tips and ideas for you to consider when researching, evaluating and conducting your site visits. 


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You + This Venue Site Checklist = everything you need to book the right venue!

It's tempting to book the most beautiful space, the incredible location, or just the venue that happens to be available on the date you need it.  But with a little planning and this little checklist, you will save yourself the pain and frustration of limited options, and experience the joy and delight of working with a venue that is perfect for you and perfect for your guests.

Finding a venue has never been this easy.

  • Download the checklist, read the instructions and watch the video.
  • Research your venues that fit the profile of your needs.
  • Reach out and ask them for an appointment to do a site visit.
  • Take your checklist with you on the site visit.
  • Relax knowing the quote you receive includes everything you need.

Hi, I'm Sally...

And I'll be your Event Coach today! I was just like you, planning events, gathering people together, and delivering great experiences and although they were a success, I was always stressed out and worried that I had done everything right. I wasn't trained, I had learnt on the job and in fact, I didn't even know this was a job.

Then one day I realised I had a skill not everyone had - I could keep cool under pressure, was great at putting complex projects into orderly plans, could get support from just about anyone I needed, and created a career out of the joy of bringing people together.


I love nothing more than helping others bring audiences together to grow, learn, celebrate and connect. I hope you will let me help you.

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